Friday, October 30, 2009

The word of the day is: sandal

So I've recently decided to be one of those people who takes their shoes off inside their house. I never saw myself this way; I was always slightly troubled by people who gave you those disapproving looks and murmured "Ah, we take our shoes off in this house." I always wanted to reply, "Um, maybe you do, but let's be careful we that "we," lady. I don't take my sweet New Balance 10 1/2s off for anybody - if Jesus wanted to wash my feet, he'd need to undo some laces first."

Yet here I am, taking my shoes off, and using the ol' Birkenstocks as house shoes. House shoes. Is it possible to maintain respect for a man who wears house shoes? I would have thought the answer would be an unequivocal no - that house shoes are right up there next to drinking iced blush wine and wearing floral scents as betrayals of the guy code. Yet here I am. Somebody bring me a White Zin.

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