Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The word of the day is: Hemoglobin A1c

Nursing school is weird. 
Yesterday, we had a full day of classes beginning with a pharmacology class, then we went to leadership management were we learned about stress management. She ended the class by suggesting that we all take a vacation-thanks for the tip. To end the day we had a three hour lecture about fertility and sex from a lady that is about Grandma Flaherty's age and approximate attitude. Yes-you have the right picture in your head-sort of an impatient, sarcastic conversation.  This shouldn't be awkward right? We are in Nursing school.  But instead of just medical knowledge she just has random pictures of hello kitty condoms, and other sex-related clipart. She conveyed little to no knowledge about fertility or infertility treatments, but I could tell a few killer jokes. I'm really glad she is teaching the healthcare providers of the future. 

This morning  I had to get up early for class. I normally don't have class on Tuesday morning because the class is normally online.   The worst part of my early morning was that the teacher kept referring to our class as a "Journal Club." The journal club resembled closely a class lecture. After class we all got an email from the teacher about how much she enjoyed "club" today and I was a little embarrassed for her. 

My last class of the day was guest lecturer from Children's Hospital.  She was an eccentric lady came to talk to us about diabetes. She introduced herself as the person on the diabetes team as the person who makes patients cry and then she sort of cackled....It was weird. Then she went on to talk about how she likes making her patients feel uncomfortable and then she "scares" them into controlling their blood sugars- mind you her patients are young children.  For example, we all know diabetes is  very difficult to control especially in pediatric patients. Hemoglobin A1c is test that read an average blood sugar for the past 3 months(the life of of a red blood cell) so the healthcare provider can tell if the blood sugars have been controlled. So apparently crazy-diabetes-lady goes into a patient's room and asks them how they have been doing with their sugars and then just when they said  they've been doing good that's when she drops the bad Hemoglobin A1c  on them. She "gives them enough rope to hang themselves with" her words not mine. She continues her lecture by yelling about big gulps, Mcdonald's french fries, and other things that I love. 

Life in Nursing school is weird...or maybe just nursing instructors. 

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