Monday, January 25, 2010

The word of the week is: indulgence

You will probably not be surprised to know that I am a frequenter of fast food restaurants. Yes, indeed, I am no stranger to the big-mac meal or whopper with cheese. I often even brave the disgruntled employees of taco-bell to receive a cheesy gordita crunch. My latest fast food craving is the Premium Double Cheeseburger meal at Wendy's for just $2.99. (I have capitalized the name of this meal out of reverence) The meal is now affectionately known in my apartment as simply $2.99. In fact, if any roommate is going to Wendy's that are obligated to inform the other roommates and ask if they would also like to partake in $2.99. While I enjoy this Wendy's meal, I amazed at the marketing scheme that has tricked me into this meal despite less than desirable conditions of a Wendy's dining experience.

Everything about the fast food environment is completely unappetizing. For starters let's take a closer look at the employees. They are all, as previously discussed, disgruntled, approximately 20-30 pounds overweight*, and generally unhappy to be serving your delicious, dirt cheap meal. Everything about the Wendy's employee screams: "You should have gone to Subway." Yet still, Subway does not offer us the saturated fats and sodium content that we Americans are genetically predisposed to crave.

Yes, perhaps its the salted fries, that have an additional salt packets, that can be coated in ketchup, a hydrogenated salt bath, but I cannot say for sure. All I know is that for now, my heart belongs to a girl with red hair and pig tails.

Wendy's, my love, I will see you shortly.

*present bloggers excluded of course. (for our many readers: Patrick, the published writer, was once a Wendy's employee)